Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Penny says:

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos" Stephen Sondheim

The weeks are flying by and our opening day is fast approaching. Just like an artist with a blank canvas, it is hard to know where to begin.

Our shop has been empty for about two weeks now but we have not been able to begin work as the previous tenants had some repairs and restoration to do - like replacing the grass green ceiling!

As an artist researchers his topic and plans his work we have had to do the same. Our shop is coming together one brush stroke at a time - one idea developing into another with the whole picture coming together.

Through this new experience we are learning all the time - learning how to be an importer, become an expert on tiling, understanding the challenges of electrical installation and much more. Many, many hours have been spent on the Internet researching decor, shop fittings, marketing and a bride's wants and needs. Late nights are the norm at the moment. After hectic days running around looking for the right decor for the boutique, Claire and I spend most nights catching up on what we have discovered during the day and making decisions about what is right for our store.

The contractors started yesterday! The tiling and painting should happen over the next week and then the finishing touches. Tons to do in only 15 days! Yikes!!!

So our work is underway - one baby step at a time. Hopefully when all is done we will be able to stand back and admire our work............ just like an artist.

" Art is the desire of man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in" Amy Lowell

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

To Dream, continued...

Claire says:

“The key to happiness, is having dreams. The key to success, is making your dreams come true.” Anonymous.

I am an ex-art student. Never furthering my art career has always bothered me, that I didn’t pursue my dream of becoming a full time artist. Now, I have the perfect break of expressing my creative side in something that I have become so passionate about: Blush Weddings!

I have spent the past 9 years in the sales, service & hospitality industries. I was taught, from an early age, what it means to work, work hard and earn my own cash. Not only to buy the things I wanted, but to really know and experience the “real world”! To my folks, Penny & Clive, I am eternally grateful! They have been grand teachers.
At the age of 16, I worked as a shop assistant on weekends, selling kiddies’ furniture. This was my very first job. In my Matric year, I held four different jobs. The reason for this, there was a new, exciting adventure on the horizon for me…
I gained my independence because my family gave me the wings to fly. In December of 2002 at the tender age of just 18, I flew to Aspen, Colorado to work on a Winter Ski Exchange Program. This was the best 6 months of my life to date! Shortly after my return to South Africa, my sister, Lyndsay and I, flew together to the UK. There I was, for two years on a Working Holiday.
Since my return to South Africa in 2005, I’ve had three different jobs, experiencing four different types of industry. The exposure and experience gained from these industries, has brought me to where I am today. Whilst abroad, I always dreamt of getting back into the art scene. Sadly,this never happened. When mom recently came up with the idea to start a “One – Stop – Wedding – Shop”, I was thrilled! For years, she’s wanted to do something in the Wedding Industry. When mom asked me to be her partner, I was over the moon! And here we are, starting a new and exciting adventure, together.

There are many people I would personally like to thank that have helped make the Blush dream come alive:
To Michelle Hobson for her creative streak in designing the floor plans and helping out with colour schemes.
To Michelle Tyson for her creative input
To Lena of “Brides Only” for introducing us to the “Eden Bridal” collection
To Samantha of “Everything But The Groom” for all the advice and assistance.
To Diane of “Bonny” for all her assistance
To all our family & friends, for their undying love & support
And I would like to thank my parents, for giving me wings and letting me fly! I love you, Mom & Dad!

To end off, I found a wonderful quote that I would like to share with all our Blush Weddings fans.
Wind to thy wings. Light to thy path. Dreams to thy heart” – Anonymous.
When I read this, it meant so much to me. I can’t wait to start a new adventure with Blush Weddings. A dream, truly lived.